H2 - Hydrogen

Hydrogen represents great potential in the field of alternative fuels. One kilogram of hydrogen carries almost 40 kWh of energy. For comparison, the same amount of petroleum-based fuel contains less than 13 kWh of energy.

Hydrogen transfer is performed in either liquefied or compressed gaseous form. In both cases, however, there are energy losses in this fuel. When hydrogen is compressed, the loss is 3% during transport and subsequently 9% while maintaining the refueling pressure and temperature (which is around -40 ° C). Liquefaction consumes about 36% of the total energy contained in a given amount of hydrogen.

In vehicles, this fuel is used with the help of fuel cells or in a special combustion device. Compared to internal combustion engines, the operating temperature of fuel cells is around 80 ° C, but their efficiency is a maximum of 60%. Hydrogen combustion plants have even lower efficiencies.
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